With person-to-person payments, you can easily send money to friends, family, or just about anyone. It's easy to use and secure, with no checks or cash required. Simply log into online banking to get started.

  • Quickly and easily send money from your checking or savings account
  • Conveniently available within online banking
  • Send money in three easy steps:
    • Send to the recipient's email or mobile
    • They get notified to deposit their money
    • Money goes directly to their bank account
  • Request money sent to you:
    • Request money from a person or a group
    • They get notified to pay the request
    • Money goes into your account automatically
  • Send notification to contacts via email or text
  • Minimal information required:
    • Recipient's name
    • Recipient's email address or mobile phone number
    • No need to exchange private account information
  • Users can receive money at one of the following:
    • In their eligible account online at their bank (if it's a member of the Popmoney network)
    • Online at Popmoney.com
  • Save valuable time; no trips to the bank necessary